immersion libre

Your may have little experience in the marine environment, you will still spend a wonderful day during the freedive discovery and initiation day course and will live a delightfull experience..

This course is an excellent way to start freediving and is ideal for every person wishing to start freediving in a simple way.

A theory introductionto discover the different disciplines and techniques, as well as the equipment will allow you to have the necessary freediving knowledge. Thereby, you will be all ready to be guided in the water.

Once your course is over, you will have access to the training session we organise every day of the week or in any other AIDA center of the world. .

And who knows ? Maybe you will be ready to follow your initiation day to the next step of the BEGINNER COURSE. 



Meeting at the school 9:00 AM


All the different cycles 

of apnea breathing



Breathing and relaxation


Dry static



All the disciplines and

 the freediving material


Ears equalization techniques (our speciality) 



Depth freediving

Free Immersion 


The end 4:00 PM


Initiation & Discovery day with

depth freediving in the LAGOON

20 000 xpf


Initiation & Discovery day with

depth freediving in the OCEAN

25 000 xpf


Arthur's home made


6 – 1350 xpf

8 – 1600 xpf

10 – 1950 xpf

15 - 2500 xpf


Drinks (water and tea) & 

Collations (biscuits)

Matériel: palmes (courtes), masque,

snorkel, wetsuit

(AQUASKIN 3,5mm), ceinture

 & weights.

AIDA Certification

Photos & Videos souvenir


Accessible over 16 years old ( with the written consentment of both parents or the legal person(s) responsable for the teenage).

Be able to swim a 100 m without fins et without stopping.