The yoga sessions take place outside, all week and all year long with joy and good spirit.
Your level doesn't matter, train at your own pace, the yoga classes are made for an individual progress.
The goal is to make you progress and to see your evolution, one Hatha yoga or Yin yoga session lasts a month. Once the month is done, we go for a new session.

Hatha Yoga is a discipline built on the practice of different yogi postures that are done in a profound and slow way. By practicing them, you will gain soupleness, balance, endurance and great vitality. A stable posture is beautiful, it gives balance to the mind and avoids the spirit to be inconstant. Therefore, you allow your body to build up and to free himself from all the tensions accumulated.

Yin Yoga is a gentle yoga. Issued from the Taoiste way of thinking, the idea of the Yin represents motionlessness and Yang the mouvement. With Yin yoga the goal is to slow down and have a meditative approach to free our body and mental tensions. Unlike most of the yoga disciplines, there is no wish to build up the body. We simply stay in motionless postures without trying to make progress in endurance.